Co-ordinator: J. P. Meyer Editor: M. Horton
Assistant Editors: B. Manley, B. SeniorWeb Editor: Th. Matziaris

No.: 10 • Sunday, 16 January 2000

Results Contents

{short description of image}{short description of image} BB Quarterfin. 5-6
{short description of image}{short description of image}
VC Quarterfin. 5-6
{short description of image}{short description of image}Transn. R1, R2

{short description of image}{short description of image}USA1 v Canada
{short description of image}{short description of image}
China v Netherlands
{short description of image}{short description of image}Quarterfinal - Session 4
{short description of image}{short description of image}Double 3-suiter endplay
{short description of image}{short description of image}Quarterfinal - Session 6
{short description of image}{short description of image}Orbis Daily Column



Poland, Seniors Champions

You may have to wait until the next millennium to see a more exciting finish to a series of Bridge matches.

We predicted yesterday morning that it would be standing room only in the VuGraph theatre, and that was absolutely the case as the quarterfinals of the Orbis Bermuda Bowl and Orbis Venice Cup reached a conclusion. You can read how the drama unfolded in this issue of the Daily News.

Orbis Bermuda Bowl

Despite winning four of the six sessions and losing only one, Poland lost by 4 IMPs to USA 2. Norway and USA I prevailed over Indonesia and Italy respectively by just 10.5 and 8 IMPs. Only Brazil had anything approaching a comfortable passage, defeating Sweden by 30 IMPs.

Orbis Venice Cup

The excitement came in the match that many believe may produce the eventual winner of the trophy. With just three boards remaining Austria led by eleven IMPs. When the result came up on Board 12 the hopes of Germany's supporters rose.

Austria had missed a possible vulnerable slam. That would have been enough to change the result, but it proved not to be so simple to bid and Austria had survived by 11 IMPs.

Orbis World Transnational Teams Championship

There is a record-equalling entry for the Orbis World Transnational Teams Championhips. Seventy-six squads are contesting the intial stages.

The field contains a host of World, European and National Champions. For technical reasons we are only able to bring you the results of the first round in today’s issue of the Daily News.

Orbis World Computer Bridge Championship

Orbis World Computer Bridge ChampionshipOrbis World Computer Bridge Championship

After three rounds of the ORBIS World Compute Bridge Championship, Micro Bridge9 (Japan) is leading the 8-computer field with a score of 44 VPs.

The other scores are Wbridge5 (France, 35), Q-Plus Bridge (Germany, 35), GIB (U.S., 32), Bridge Baron (U.S., 30), Bridge Buff (France, 24), Blue Chip Bridge (Great Britain, 16), Meadowlark Bridge (U.S., 0). Meadowlark experienced a slight case of softwaritis and still has to complete its match against Blue Chip Bridge.

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