organising committee of the Bermuda Bridge Federation would like
to thank our sponsor, Orbis Investment Management Limited,
for enabling us to host the world's premier bridge event.

Orbis has won numerous awards and a world-wide reputation
for its innovative "no load" mutual funds. These include
the Orbis Global Equity Fund which was awarded the highest possible
rating of frAAA by Standard & Poor's Fund Research. Only five
other fund managers offer global equity funds which have achieved
this coveted ranking from S&P. Most recently, the Orbis Japan
Equity (Yen) Fund was the top performing fund out of 146 offshore
Japanese equity funds tracked by Standard & Poor's Micropal
in 1998.

The experienced Orbis team in Bermuda manages approximately
US$500 million and receives investment research from an office in
London. The Orbis Funds are readily accessible, with no load, no
transaction costs, weekly subscription or redemption and a minimum
investment amount of just US$50,000. The result is that Orbis serves
a cross section of investors ranging from major financial institutions
to individuals.
learn more about Orbis:
- visit
the Orbis Web site by clicking here
an information package with no cost or obligation by
clicking here.