Orbis Bermuda Bowl & Venice Cup Quartefinal - Session 4

Most of the big swings in the fourth session came towards the end. As always, the motto seemed to be 'bid 'em up!'

Board 12. Dealer West. NS Game
ª 9 7
© A Q 8 2
¨ A J 7 4 3
§ 8 2
ª A 4
ª K J 10 6 5 3 2
© K 10 4 3 © 6 5
¨ K Q 9 2 ¨ 6
§ A J 3 § 9 5 4
ª Q 8
© J 9 7
¨ 10 8 5
§ K Q 10 7 6

West North East South
Stansby Pczszola Martel Kwiecien

Pass 3ª Pass
All Pass    

A normal game that is almost certain to fail on a club lead. That sets up one trick for the defence, and will hardly be difficult for South to switch to a heart when he gets in with a club. That is what happened here, -50.

West North East South
Romanski Rosenberg Kowalski Zia

Pass 4© Pass
All Pass    

It's not so obvious to lead a club from the North hand. On a trump lead, declarer was able to put up the ten. When that held he played a diamond to the king and ace and won the spade return in hand. He was able to get rid of a losing heart on the queen of diamonds, and with plenty of entries to dummy, he could try his chances in both hearts and clubs. The heart ace failed to oblige, but the club suit behaved perfectly. +420 and 10 IMPs for Poland.

Norway made a similar gain in their match against Indonesia.

Board 13. Dealer North. Game All
ª Q 8 2
© J 9 8 2
¨ Q J
§ J 10 8 3
ª A 10 9
ª K 7 6 5 3
© K Q 10 7 6 ©
¨ K 5 4 2 ¨ 10 9 7 6
§ K § A Q 6 5
ª J 4
© A 5 4 3
¨ A 8 3
§ 9 7 4 2

West North East South
Nehmert Terraneo Rauscheid Erhart

Pass Pass Pass
Pass 1ª Pass
Pass 3¨ All Pass

Three diamonds was a comfortable resting place, and Pony Nehmert played the hand very neatly on cross ruff lines, winning the club lead in hand, ruffing a heart, spade to hand, ruff a heart, king of spades, top club to pitch a spade, and so on. She arrived at eleven tricks, +150. However, Four Spades is where you would want to be on the East-West cards, especially since it cold on any lead.

West North East South
Weigkricht Auken Fischer von Arnim

Pass Pass Pass
Pass 2© Pass
Pass 3§ Pass
All Pass    

Weigkricht decided to treat her hand as a 15-17 no-trump, not necessarily a universal choice. Her choice worked perfectly, immediately ensuring that her side got to the spade game. North led the queen of diamonds, and that was allowed to run to declarer's king. She played a diamond back to North's jack and won the club return with the king. She took two rounds of trumps ending in dummy, ruffed a club and claimed ten tricks. +620 and 10 IMPs to Austria.

Norway were on the right side of a similar result on this board as well.

Board 16. Dealer West. NS Game
ª Q 10 9
© 7 4
¨ A K Q J 6 4
§ K Q
ª A K 8 5 2
ª 7 6 4
© K J 3 © A 8 5 2
¨ 2 ¨ 7 5 3
§ 8 6 5 4 § J 3 2
ª J 3
© Q 10 9 6
¨ 10 9 8
§ A 10 9 7

West North East South
Nehmert Terraneo Rauscheid Erhart

2¨ Pass Pass
2NT Pass 3¨
All Pass

When Nehmert reopened, North tried to show her playing strength. However, her partner saw no reason to bid game, and in a sense she was right, as the no-trump game can clearly be defeated. Eleven tricks were recorded for +150.

West North East South
Weigkricht Auken Fischer von Arnim

2¨ Pass 3¨
3NT All Pass  

Once Auken caught a raise, she knew all her partner's values must be elsewhere, and she took a shot at game. East led the four of spades, and West won with king and played back the five of spades. Curtains! The fall of the jack of clubs gave declarer eleven tricks and 7 IMPs for Germany.

Perhaps West can get this one right? A combination of the bidding and the sight of dummy might persuade one that North has a decent diamond suit. If she has a six card suit and the ace of hearts, then a spade trick will bring her up to nine tricks.

This scenario was repeated more than once, for instance, Brazil picked up 8 IMPs against Sweden for making +460. Chagas overcalled 1NT on the North hand - why not with a spade stopper and a source of tricks? - and Branco invited via Stayman.

Results Contents

{short description of image}{short description of image} BB Quarterfin. 5-6
{short description of image}{short description of image}
VC Quarterfin. 5-6
{short description of image}{short description of image}Transn. R1, R2

{short description of image}{short description of image}USA1 v Canada
{short description of image}{short description of image}
China v Netherlands
{short description of image}{short description of image}Quarterfinal - Session 4
{short description of image}{short description of image}Double 3-suiter endplay
{short description of image}{short description of image}Quarterfinal - Session 6
{short description of image}{short description of image}Orbis Daily Column

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