9th World Youth Team Championship Page 6 Bulletin 10 - Friday 29 August  2003

The Italian Team

Francesco Mazzadi (26). A bridge teacher from Parma, Francesco smokes expensive cigars and loves fine food and wines. He studied classical guitar but no longer plays it since bridge became his main occupation. His partner is:

Fabio Lo Presti (23). An engineeering student from Bergamo, AKA Spennacchiotto, from a famous comic tiny bird character. Fabio is fated to play on vugraph, letting everyone see his blunders and funny gestures.

Ruggiero Guariglia (25). A bridge teacher and professional player from Salermo (which is famous for ceramics), Ruggiero likes most to play bridge with rich old ladies. This old-fashioned gentleman gives the team a touch of class. His partner is:

Stefano Uccello (25). Stefano is a ‘Real’ engineering student and is at the last stage of his education. He is the son every mother likes to have and the boy all the girls dream of. Quiet and polite, he rarely shows his emotions, as he showed at the end of teh last session of the semi-final.

Stelio di Bello (23). Stelio is 'Mario’ of the 'Super Brothers’ and hails from Naples. He moved to Rome in order to work as a computer programmer. He is rightfully considered to be a genius at handling suit combinations and also at fixing computer bugs, but is a complete disaster when it comes to everything concerning what might be considered to be normal and common activities. His victim is:

Furio di Bello (24). ‘Luigi’ of the ‘Super Brothers’, and also from Naples. Furio moved to Bologna in order to live next to his girl. He is an internet science student, bridge teacher and director. Furio is very shy and discrete. He promises that every championship he plays with his brother will be the last, but the next time we always have to cope with such a partnership once more.

Gianpaolo Rinaldi (npc). A professional bridge player and teacher from Milan, Gianpaolo is very well known for his huge luck and patience. He has won many Italian titles but nohing compares to the results he has achieved as Junior NPC. His alter-ego is:

Andrea Pagani (coach). A bridge teacher and consultant, Andrea is always on the edge of a nervous breakdown due to the team’s behaviour both at and away from the table.

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