9th World Youth Team Championship Page 3 Bulletin 4 - Friday 22 August  2003

Nice Defence

In Round 4, France defeated the champions, USA2, by 20-10 VPs. This nice defence from Olivier Bessis and Godefroy de Tessieres helped them on their way.

Board 2. N/S Vul. Dealer East.
  ª K J 9 3
© K 6
¨ J 9 7 6
§ K J 4
ª A 8 6 4
© 10 8
¨ K Q
§ A 10 9 6 3
Bridge deal ª Q 10
© A Q 7 5 4
¨ A 10 8
§ 8 5 2
  ª 7 5 2
© J 9 3 2
¨ 5 4 3 2
© Q 7

Joel Wooldridge declared 3NT as East on the lead of the seven of spades, ducked to the king. Bessis returned a spade to the queen and Wooldridge led a club to the ten and jack. Now Bessis found the only card in his hand to create a problem for declaer, the ©6. Of course, had Wooldridge put in his queen, everything would have been easy, but a different layout of the clubs and hearts could have turned this into the losing play. At the table he played low and de Tessieres won the jack. He wasted no time in shooting a third spade through dummy’s holding and declarer won the ace and continued with ace and another club. When Bessis held both the long spade and long club the contract had to fail by a trick for –50. Around the room, 3NT normally succeeded.

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