2002 World Bridge Championships Page 5 Bulletin 15 - Saturday, 31 August  2002

More Questions Than Answers

The first session of the Power Rosenblum threw up a set of deals where most of the problems came in the bidding. These three caught your reporter's eye:

Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul.
  ª K 9 8 5 3
© 8 6 5 3
¨ A 8
§ 8 7
ª 7 2
© A J 10 9 7 4
¨ 4 3 2
§ 9 3
Bridge deal ª A Q J
© -
¨ K Q 7 6
§ A K J 6 5 2
  ª 10 6 4
© K Q 2
¨ J 10 9 5
§ Q 10 4

Three No trumps was the popular contract on the East/West cards and it made easily enough in the other room.
However the Poles reached a rather more difficult spot:

West North East South
Kwiecien Manoppo Pszczola Lasut
    1§* Pass
1¨* Pass 2¨* Pass
2© Pass 2NT Pass
4© All Pass    

There was some suggestion that a bid of Three Hearts might not have been forcing, but one suspects it was hard for West to envisage that his partner would be void in hearts.

North led a spade and declarer won with the queen. With a sight of all four hands you can see that the winning line is to play a diamond, setting up your tenth trick. However, declarer played three rounds of clubs, ruffing with the nine of hearts, enabling North to discard a diamond. A spade finesse and the ace of spades eliminated a diamond from declarer's hand, but there was no way to avoid the loss of a diamond and three trump tricks for one down and a game swing for the Indoneseans.

Board 3. Dealer South. E/W Vul.
  ª K J 2
© K Q J
¨ Q 9 7 6 5 2
§ J
ª A 8 7 3
© 8 7 3 2
¨ J 4 3
§ 6 2
Bridge deal ª 5
© 9 6
¨ A 10 8
§ A K Q 9 7 5 4
  ª Q 10 9 6 4
© A 10 5 4
¨ K
§ 10 8 3

West North East South
Kwiecien Manoppo Pszczola Lasut
Pass 1¨ 2§ Dble
Pass 2¨ 2NT Pass
3NT All Pass    

In the days before anyone had heard of satellites and negative doubles South would have bid Two Spades over East's overcall - and on hand worth only one bid that still has a lot to commend it. However, the people we consulted all seemed to think double was best and we doubt that the fact that you are cold for game in spades your way will persuade them otherwise. Of course those players who doubled 3NT and conceded -750, which is what happened at the other table, South doubling after an identical auction, may be beginning to have second thoughts.

Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul.
  ª 8 7 2
© A Q 7 4
¨ K 6 5
§ 6 4 3
ª A K J
© K 9 8 3
¨ A 10 9 7 2
§ A
Bridge deal ª 9 6 5 3
© -
¨ J 8 4 3
§ K Q J 10 7
  ª Q 10 4
© J 10 6 5 2
¨ Q
§ 9 8 5 2

West North East South
Kwiecien Manoppo Pszczola Lasut
1¨ Pass 1ª Pass
2© Pass 3§* Pass
3ª Pass 5¨ All Pass

A perfect auction to a sound contract - indeed you would not mind being in Six Diamonds, especially as it is going to make. At the other table North found a heart lead against 3NT and declarer had to go down.

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