Forty years ago the first ever Women's
teams Olympiad was won by the United Arab Republic, and the
winning team included a number of the players representing Egypt
in these championships in Maastricht. The Egyptians had a poor
start, losing their first two matches, and needed to find improved
form for their third match against Canada.
Board 4. Dealer West. All
Vul. |
K Q 10 8 6
© K J 10
9 3
¨ J 6
§ A |
7 5 4
© 8 7
¨ K Q 9
§ K 8 7 6
2 |
A 3
© A Q 5 4
¨ 8 5 2
§ 10 9 4 3 |
J 9 2
© 6 2
¨ A 10 7
4 3
§ Q J 5 |
In both rooms North/South bid 1ª - 2ª
- 4ª. In the Open Room, Katie Thorpe led a diamond and the contract
was one down; +100 to Canada.
In the Closed Room, Maud Khoury led the
ten of clubs to the queen, king and ace - an interesting pair
of plays from dummy and West. At trick two, Rhoda Habert played
a low spade towards dummy and Khoury rose with the ace. Declarer
was able to pitch a diamond on the established club and the
contract made ten tricks for +620 and 12 IMPs to Canada.
I believe that, if East ducks the spade
at trick two, and declarer plays on hearts himself, repeated
heart plays may set the contract while, if he draws trumps,
he may be forced to defeat the contract.
Board 9. Dealer North. E/W
Vul. |
A 6
© A Q J
10 9 3
¨ A Q 10
§ 7 |
K 10 7 3
© 8 7 6 4
¨ J 9 5
§ A 10 |
Q 9 8 5
© K 5
¨ 7 2
§ Q J 8 6
3 |
J 4 2
© 2
¨ K 8 6 4
§ K 9 5
4 2 |
USA v Japan in the Women's Championship, Robin Klar/Joan Jackson
bid to the diamond slam for a big gain. Habert/Beverley Kraft,
for Canada, had the embarrassment of bidding: 1©
- 1NT - 2¨ -
The slam is made after the lead of the
queen of clubs, ducked, and a spade switch to the ace, by playing
ace of hearts and ruffing a heart, ruffing a club, and playing
the ace of diamonds followed by a diamond to the king. The king
of clubs is ruffed and over-ruffed, and now declarer plays four
rounds of hearts to pitch the black losers. If West does not
ruff the king of clubs, declarer's spade loser goes away and
he can just draw the last trump and cash the hearts.
Board 10. Dealer East. All
Vul. |
© Q 10 7
¨ K Q J 6
3 2
§ Q 5 |
K 7 6 4
© 9 3
¨ 10 9 8 7
§ K 9 2 |
J 5 2
© A J 8 2
¨ -
§ J 8 7 6
4 3 |
Q 10 9 8 3
© K 6 4
¨ A 5 4
§ A 10 |
In the Closed Room, Kraft/Habert bid 1ª
- 2¨ - 2ª - 3©, and now Kraft bid 4¨, not unreasonably, which
led to 5¨, and that was one down after a club lead.
In the Open Room, Samya Shatila/Marguerite
Homsy bid 1ª - 2¨ - 3¨ - 3© - 3NT. Even on the lead of the two
of clubs and a misguess, the suit is blocked! The §9 lead might
set it, but Dianna Gordon led the wrong nine - the heart. Now
declarer had no problem in coming to nine tricks; 12 IMPs to
Board 12. Dealer West. N/S
Vul. |
K J 6 5
© 10 5 4
¨ Q
§ A K J
6 5 |
© K 8 7
¨ A 10 8 7
5 4
§ 9 7 2 |
A Q 10 9 7 4 3 2
© A 9
¨ 6
§ Q 4 |
© Q J 6
3 2
¨ K J 9 3
§ 10 8 3 |
In the Closed Room, Egypt played the normal
4ª down one. There was more action in the Open Room:
West |
North |
East |
South |
Gordon |
Homsy |
Thorpe |
Shatila |
2¨ |
Dble |
2NT(i) |
3© |
Pass |
4© |
4ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
Pass |
5© |
All Pass |
(i) Puppet to
3§ |
Homsy's raise to 4© was an aggressive
bid, given that she had already made a take-out double of the
weak two bid. Despite that, Shatila's removal of the penalty
double of 4ª was a highly questionable action and it turned
a plus score into a minus. Five Hearts went four down, giving
Canada a 10 IMP swing.
Board 20. Dealer West. All
Vul. |
A J 10 7 6 4 2
© 9 7 4
¨ 8 3
§ - |
© A J 5
¨ 10 7
§ A K Q 10
7 4 3 |
9 8 5
© Q 10 9 6
¨ Q J 9 5 4
§ 9 |
© K 2
¨ A K 6 2
§ J 8 6
5 2 |
In the Open Room, Habert overcalled Lily
Khalil's 1§ opening with a pre-emptive 3ª call and Kraft converted
to 3NT. Nothing could prevent Kraft from making nine tricks
for +600.
In the Closed Room, Homsy overcalled only
2ª and Shatila also responded 3NT. Now Homsy went back to 4ª,
ending the auction. Homsy ruffed the club lead and played a
heart to the king and ace. How should West defend? Best is a
spade, but it is tempting to think that a top club may eventually
promote a trump trick by force. Gordon chose to play back a
club and Homsy ruffed with the four and was over-ruffed. Now
a trump switch would lead to minus two, but Thorpe played a
heart to the jack and back came another club. Now declarer could
play a high cross-ruff and come to ten tricks; +620 and 1 IMP
to Egypt.
The Canadians ran out winners by 46-36
IMPs, 17-13 VPs.