Co-ordinator: Jean Paul Meyer • Editor: Mark Horton • Ass. Editors: Brent Manley, Brian Senior
Web Editor: Takis Pournaras

No. : 4   •   Wednesday, 30 August 2000

The show goes on!
Scene from the Vu-graph room

For the second day running, only Australia were able to prevent a total monopoly by the European teams at the head of the tables. Not only do they top group B in the Open Series, but they also command the biggest margin - a substantial 22 VP.

Seven different teams top the standings in the remaining divisions. Belgium, England and Italy lead the way in the Open, whilst Norway and France head the standings in the Women’s series. Sweden top the Seniors and Austria are the front runners in the University event.

Several fancied teams still need to pick up a gear, notably Denmark, Canada, The Netherlands and Norway in the Open, and Italy and Israel in the Women’s event.

Table of Contents
Article Page
Norway vs

Canada vs


Appeal No. 3
Israel v France


FISU visited Maastricht

from left: Panos Gerontopoulos, Lode Lambeets, Paul Magerman, Fernard Bottleberghs, Roch Campana, José Damiani and Gianarigo Rona

Today Mr Roch Campana, Secretary General of the FISU (Federation des Sports Universitaires) and Mr Fernand Bottelberghs, Secretary of the FISU International Control Committee, visited the university bridge championship. They were welcomed by Jose Damiani, Gianongo Rona and Panos Gerontopoulos and afterwards shown round the various rooms and offices by Lode Lambeets, Liaison Officer FISU and Paul Magerman.

They were deeply impressed by the organization of the championship.

It has been agreed upon that Jose Damiani, on behalf of the WBF, will reapply to FISU to recognize bridge worldwide as a university sport and to organize an official university world championship in Bruges (Belgium) in 2002.


Paul Magerman

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