Turbo Charged

Germany's Thomas Gotard and Andreas Holowski have been doing very well in major pairs championships for the last few years and after three sessions of the Société Générale Open Pairs semi-final they looked certain to qualify for the final.

They racked up the matchpoints, scoring 226 of a possible 232 on this deal from the second session when they blasted their way into a slam.

Board 5. Dealer North. NS Game
ª K 8 3
© 4 2
¨ K 9 8
§ Q 10 7 6 3
ª Q 10 6 4 ª A J 9 7 2
© A K 9 5 © 8 7 6 3
¨ - ¨ 6 3
§ A J 5 4 2 § K 9
ª 5
© Q J 10
¨ A Q J 10 7 5 4 2
§ 8

West North East South
Gotard Hackett Holowski Hackett

Pass Pass 3¨
Dble Pass 4ª Pass
5ª Pass 6ª All Pass

South led the ¨A and East ruffed in dummy and ran the ªQ. When that held he played a spade to the jack and ruffed his remaining diamond. He crossed back to hand with the §K and drew the outstanding trump. He played a club to the ace and when South showed out he simply cashed the top hearts and claimed.

Results Contents
Open Pairs F1, F2
Ladies Pairs F1, F2
Senior Pairs F1, F2
IMP Pairs F1, F2
Société Générale Open Pairs Final
The IBPA Annual Awards
Turbo Charged
When a Negative can be Positive
Squeeze Time in the Zonal Pairs
Irish Luck

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