Indonesia v Australia Orbis Bermuda Bowl - Round 4

Wrong place, wrong time

Indonesia's Bermuda Bowl was hot from the start in Sunday's round-robin matches. Their first victims were the Australian team, who fell, 60-11. Iin subsequent rounds Sunday, Indonesia took the measure of China, 70-39, and Argentina, 49-21, and moved into second place in the round-robin standings.

Here are some of the key deals in Indonesia's match against Australia in Round 4.

Board 3. Dealer South. EW Game
ª K J 7
© A K 9 8 5
¨ A K J 3
§ 10
ª A 8 6 5 2
ª Q 10 9 4
© Q J 7 © 6 4 2
¨ 10 8 ¨ 6
§ K 5 3 § A Q 8 7 4
ª 3
© 10 3
¨ Q 9 7 5 4 2

In the closed room, Kokan Bagchi opened 3¨ with the South hand and was raised to 5¨ by Seamus Browne. Bagchi lost a spade and a club for plus 400. At the other table - where Ishmael Del'Monte and Bobby Richman opposed Henky Lasut and Eddy Manoppo -- there were fireworks.

West North East South
Del'Monte Manoppo Richman Lasut

Dble 4ª 5¨
Pass Dble Pass
Rdble All Pass  

Lasut passed up his chance for the aggressive opening diamond preempt, but he was not reluctant to bid his suit opposite his partner's takeout double. Richman, mistakenly taking his partner's opening bid seriously - and no doubt expecting to take more than one club trick -- applied the red card. There was nothing to be done after the redouble. Running to 5ª would have probably resulted in the same score as 5¨ redoubled - minus 800 (to high hearts, heart ruff, with tricks to come in spades and diamonds). That was 9 IMPs to Indonesia.

The next board was worse for Australia.

Board 4. Dealer West. Game All
ª 9 8
© A 10 3
¨ K J 8 2
§ A 9 8 4
ª 10 6 4
ª K Q 7 5 3 2
© K 7 © Q 8 4 2
¨ 10 5 3 ¨ A 7 6
§ Q 10 7 5 3 §
ª A J
© J 9 6 5
¨ Q 9 4
§ K J 6 2

West North East South
Panelewen Browne Tobing Bagchi

1NT(1) 2§(2) Dble(3)
Dble 2ª Dble
2NT Pass 3NT
All Pass

(1) 12-14
(2) One-suited hand
(3) Values

Even with the lead of a low spade by East, Browne could manage only seven tricks for down two and minus 200. At the other table:

West North East South
Del'Monte Manoppo Richman Lasut

1¨ 1ª Dble
Pass 4ª Dble
All Pass

Richman no doubt expected - or at least hoped for - a better dummy. The best he could do was minus 500 - another 12 IMPs away. In two slam swings that went against Australia, the opening lead was critical.

Board 7. Dealer South. Game All
ª 8 4 2
© A 6 5
¨ Q 9 7 5
§ J 8 2
ª 7 6
ª J 10
© J 8 © 10 7 4 3
¨ J 10 8 2 ¨ K 6
§ K 10 9 6 4 § A Q 7 5 3
ª A K Q 9 5 3
© K Q 9 2
¨ A 4 3

Browne and Bagchi bid the North-South cards to 4ª, making six on the lead of the ¨J, thanks to the convenient placement of the ¨9. In the open room:

West North East South
Del'Monte Manoppo Richman Lasut

1¨(2) Pass 2ª
4ª Pass 5§
All Pass

(1) Strong, artificial and forcing
(2) Negative

On any lead but the ¨J, Lasut would have had to guess what to do in diamonds. Unfortunately for Australia, Del'Monte chose just that card. Play was over quickly and Indonesia had scored another 13 IMPs.

Board 11. Dealer South. Love All
ª K 6 5
¨ 10 9 7 4 3
§ A Q J 10 5
ª 10 9 8
ª 4 3 2
© 10 9 6 © 8 7 4 3 2
¨ K Q 8 6 ¨ J 5
§ 8 7 2 § K 9 6
ª A Q J 7
© A K Q J 5
¨ A 2
§ 4 3

West North East South
Del'Monte Manoppo Richman Lasut

All Pass

At the other table, 6NT was declared by South, and West found the lead of the ¨K. When the club finesse failed, the contract was down. The killing lead was much more difficult for East to find, and indeed he started with a heart, giving Manoppo time to set up the necessary club tricks. Australia suffered another loss, this one of 14 IMPs.

Results Contents

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{short description of image}{short description of image}Indonesia v Australia
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