Hard at work
Going into the second set of the Bermuda Bowl semi-final round,
USA II had some work to do. They weren’t desperately behind,
but they were trailing by 37.5 IMPs, including USA I’s 13.5-IMP
carryover.. If they couldn’t wipe out the entire deficit in
one set, they at least wanted to reduce it.
With Bobby Wolff and Dan Morse putting up another good set, USA
II managed a 34-21win in the second round to trim their deficit
to 24.5 IMPs with 64 boards to play.
It didn’t start out all that well for USA II as they lost
6 IMPs on the first board of the set.
Board 17. Dealer North. None
Vul. |
ª 6 2
© 9 8 6 5
¨ K J 9 3
§ A K 3 |
ª 4
© A 10 7 3
¨ A Q 6 2
§ 8 6 4 2 |
![Bridge deal](../../../Graphics/Hand/board3.gif) |
ª Q 9 7 3
© K J 4
¨ 10 7
§ Q 10 9 7 |
ª A K J 10 8 5
© Q 2
¨ 8 5 4
§ J 5 |
In the closed room, Richard Freeman played in 3ª, making 10 tricks
for plus 170.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rodwell |
Wolff |
Meckstroth |
Morse |
3ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Pass |
Eric Rodwell started with a low club, which Morse ducked to Jeff
Meckstroth’s queen. Meckstroth played the ©K and a low heart
to the queen and ace, Rodwell continuing with a third round, ruffed
by Morse. He cashed a top spade from hand and entered dummy with
the §A, cashing the king for a diamond discard before taking the
spade finesse. When Rodwell showed out, Morse’s contract was
about dead. He tried a low diamond from hand, but Rodwell flew with
the ace and made no mistake, putting the ©10 on the table, which
allowed Meckstroth to discard his second diamond, and Morse was
down one.
![](../Graphics/photos/Bull_11/us1-q5-Nickell.jpg) |
Nick Nickell,
USA1 |
Note that a club return would have allowed Morse to make the contract.
He would ruff the club to reduce his trump length to that of Meckstroth,
then a diamond to the king would put him in dummy with two tricks
to go, and he would have been poised over East’s doubleton
ªQ with the ªK
At any rate, one down put USA I ahead 60.5-17.
USA II drew closer on board 19, when foul breaks in two key suits
doomed the 6§ that Nick Nickell and Freeman reached, while Wolff
and Morse stopped in 3NT making 11 tricks. That was 11 IMPs to USA
Meckstroth and Rodwell usually get the best of the opposition
in competitive auctions. On the following deal, Wolff and Morse
did the damage.
Board 22. Dealer East. E/W
Vul. |
ª 10 3
© J 9 8 7 4 3
¨ 8 7
§ A 5 3 |
ª J 9 8 6 4
© K
¨ 5 3
§ K Q J 7 6 |
![Bridge deal](../../../Graphics/Hand/board3.gif) |
ª K Q 7 5
© 10 6 5
¨ K Q 6 4
§ 8 2 |
ª A 2
© A Q 2
¨ A J 10 9 2
§ 10 9 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Wildavsky |
Nickell |
Doub |
Freeman |
Pass |
1NT |
Dble |
2¨ |
3ª |
All Pass |
Adam Wildavsky’s double showed a minor of at least five cards
and a major of at least four cards. After Nickell bid 2¨ to transfer
to hearts, Doug Doub reasoned that his partner’s major was
spades, so he raised the ante with a jump to the three level. It
was not difficult for him to take nine tricks for plus 140.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rodwell |
Wolff |
Meckstroth |
Morse |
Pass |
1NT |
Pass |
2© |
Pass |
Pass |
2ª |
3© |
3ª |
4© |
Pass |
Pass |
4ª |
Dble |
All Pass |
Wolff would have had to drop the singleton trump king offside to
make 4©, but if the defense was conducted in such a way that East,
a passed hand, was known to have started with two sets of K-Qs,
Wolff would not have tried a finesse that had no chance. At any
rate, in 4ª Rodwell had to lose one trick in each suit for minus
200, an 8-IMP gain for USA II.
The next deal was only a 1-IMP gain for USA I, but it was fun
to watch the play in the open room.
Board 23. Dealer South. All
Vul. |
ª A Q 10 8
© 10 5 2
¨ K 7 5 4 2
§ 5 |
ª 9 6
© A J 9 3
¨ J 10
§ J 9 6 3 2 |
![Bridge deal](../../../Graphics/Hand/board3.gif) |
ª K J 7 5 4 3 2
© 7 6
¨ A 3
§ 7 4 |
ª -
© K Q 8 4
¨ Q 9 8 6
§ A K Q 10 8 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Wildavsky |
Nickell |
Doub |
Freeman |
1§ |
Pass |
1¨ |
2ª |
3© |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Nickell took 10 tricks after Doub led a low spade. Wolff did one
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rodwell |
Wolff |
Meckstroth |
Morse |
1§ |
Pass |
1¨ |
2ª |
3ª |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
![](../Graphics/photos/Bull_11/us2-q5-Doub.jpg) |
Doug Doub, USA2 |
Meckstroth also led a low spade to the 9 and 10, and Wolff played
a diamond to the queen and 10, returning the 9 to the king and ace.
Meckstroth could have prevented the ending that produced 11 tricks
if he had exited with a club, breaking up the inevitable squeeze,
but he got out with the ©7
to dummy’s queen, ducked by Rodwell.
Wolff then ran his diamond winners, coming down to §A K Q 10 and
the ©K 8 in dummy, while Rodwell held ª9 ©A §J 9 6 3. When Wolff
cashed the ªA and discarded the ©8 from dummy, Rodwell lost his
exit card. Wolff was then able to enter dummy with a high club,
cash a second winner just to be sure of his contract, then play
the ©K to endplay Rodwell for plus 660. It would not have helped
Rodwell to win the ©A. With Wolff holding the ©10, Rodwell could
not play that suit, and if he played a spade, Wolff would win the
ace, cash the ©K and run his diamond winners, squeezing Rodwell
in clubs and hearts for the same 11 tricks.
USA I managed another 10 IMP gain when they played a spade game
from the correct side of the table, which made all the difference.
Board 25. Dealer North. E/W
Vul. |
ª Q 10 8 7 4
© 9 4
¨ J 9 3
§ A 9 7 |
ª J 5 2
© K 10 8 6 5 3 2
¨ Q 7
§ 8 |
![Bridge deal](../../../Graphics/Hand/board3.gif) |
ª K
© Q J 7
¨ A K 6 5 2
§ 10 6 3 2 |
ª A 9 6 3
© A
¨ 10 8 4
§ K Q J 5 4 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Wildavsky |
Nickell |
Doub |
Freeman |
Pass |
1¨ |
2§ |
Pass |
3§ |
Pass |
Pass |
3© |
Pass |
Pass |
3ª |
Pass |
4ª |
All Pass |
Nickell’s spade suit isn’t all that great, and he did
have a fit for partner’s overcall, so it’s hard to fault
him to for raising. The way the auction developed, however, it was
very easy for Wildavsky and Doub to defeat the game. Wildavsky started
with the ¨Q and continued with a diamond to partner’s king.
When Doub cashed the ¨A, Wildavsky discarded his singleton club,
defeating the contract with a club ruff at trick four. The situation
was radically different in the open room.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rodwell |
Wolff |
Meckstroth |
Morse |
Pass |
1¨ |
2§ |
2¨ |
2ª |
4© |
4ª |
All Pass |
Rodwell’s 2¨ showed at least five hearts in a limited hand.
Wolff knew he was safe bidding spades because he could always go
back to clubs, so he trotted out the mangy spade suit, striking
The only way to defeat the contract was to lead a low diamond
from the East hand. Would anyone find that lead? Perhaps where they
always fourth from their longest and strongest, but this is the
Bermuda Bowl, so Meckstroth started with the normal lead of the
¨A, followed by the ¨K and a ruff. The only question was how Wolff
was going to play the trump suit. Rodwell had ruffed with the 5,
and if that was from an original holding of ªJ 5, Wolff could made
the contract by playing the ªQ, smothering Rodwell’s now-singleton
After ruffing, Rodwell exited with his singleton club. When Wolff
played the 9, Meckstroth played the 6, giving Wolff the opportunity
to be in his hand for the play of the ªQ. After due consideration,
however, Wolff played the ª10, claiming when Meckstroth followed
with the king.
USA I suffered a mild setback on the following board.
Board 27. Dealer South. None
Vul. |
Q 10 2 ©
Q 9 8 7 6 2 ¨
A 2 § K
4 |
K 8 4 © J
10 5 3 ¨ K
8 6 4 § 10
9 |
![Bridge deal](../../../Graphics/Hand/board3.gif) |
J 9 3 © K
¨ 7 5 §
A 8 7 6 5 3 2 |
A 7 6 5 ©
A 4 ¨ Q J
10 9 3 §
Q J |
Nickell and Freeman had played the very reasonable contract of
3© by North, just making for plus 140.
West |
North |
East |
South |
Rodwell |
Wolff |
Meckstroth |
Morse |
1¨ |
Pass |
1© |
2§ |
2¨ |
Pass |
2NT |
Pass |
3NT |
All Pass |
Morse’s free bid of 2¨ is questionable considering that Meckstroth’s
intervention could not have improved the South hand. The hopeless
game was reached, and Wolff won the opening club lead in dummy with
the queen, then took his best shot (a singleton ¨K off side rather
than a doubleton ¨K onside) by playing to the ¨A. Wolff continued
with a diamond to the queen and Rodwell’s king. Meckstroth
had six clubs to cash from that point for three down and a 7-IMP
swing to USA I.
Still, the team that nearly didn’t make round-robin cut
was alive and kicking in the semi-final round.
They picked up another 7 IMPs in the third round to enter the
second day of semi-final play down only 14.5 IMPs.