8th World Youth Bridge Team Championship, Mangaratiba, Brazil Wednesday, 15 August  2001

Chairman's Closing Speech


Mr President Emeritus of the World Bridge Federation
Mr President of the Brazilian Bridge Federation
Distinguished WBF and National Federation Officials
Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Juniors

There is only one sad thing to talk about tonight - and that is that such a wonderful tournament has come to an end. Otherwise, we have many reasons to be very happy.

The World Youth Team Championship is the flagship of our programme for the development of bridge among young people worldwide. It was thanks to the vision and determination of one man that this tournament got under way 14 years ago. Today it may be an established fact that every two years we get together to play a top competition in an environment especially suitable for young people. However it was not so when in 1985, Jimmy Ortiz-Patino, President of the World Bridge Federation, set up the WBF Youth Committee and commissioned it with the task of getting the tournament off the ground. One year later, Jimmy left the office of President but he continued his unconditional support of Junior bridge. In 1987, as President Emeritus, he presented the winners of the 1st World Youth Team Championship with the Ortiz-Patino Trophy, which has since become the symbol of youth bridge supremacy worldwide. Following this, he has attended almost all events of the series, and as you can see, he is with us tonight as he promised two years ago. Wherever he goes, Jimmy talks in favour of Junior bridge, and it is thanks to him that we have been able to overcome many problems. Jimmy's contribution to bridge is by no means limited to the Junior world, but it would take a long time to even mention how he managed, during the ten years of his leadership, to turn bridge from a disorganized pastime to a well-founded sport. As a person, I am grateful to Jimmy to have leaned so much from him, and proud to be following the path he first drew. Jimmy, thank you very much for all your contribution and thank you for giving us the pleasure of being with us tonight.

Today's leader of world bridge, the WBF President José Damiani, was unfortunately unable to be with us this year. This does not, in any way, indicate a lack of interest. José visited us last month in Poland where the World Junior Pairs Championship was an unprecedented success with 440 young players from 29 countries taking part. While the team championship was in progress here in Mangaratiba, José was kept informed of the developments and shared the same agonies we all had, each one from his own perspective, as the tournament went on. Today, the President called to congratulate the winners and asked me to convey his message of support to all of you, players and officials, who made this tournament such a success.

Next, I would like to refer to one person who can be totally identified with this tournament. I am talking, of course, about Ernesto d'Orsi. Ernesto, a former President of the World Bridge Federation, a member of the WBF Executive Council for more than 20 years, President of the Brazilian Bridge Federation, and above all dear friend, was the person without whom this tournament would not even have come close to existence. When I approached him two years ago and suggested that this championship be organized in South America, he promised to give us a taste of his organizational abilities which he had demonstrated to the world when he organized no less than two Bermuda Bowls in Brazil. I could speak a lot about Ernesto, but I prefer to say just one thing: Ernesto, with this tournament you have donated a jewel to Junior bridge - and we cannot thank you enough for that. Be sure that we shall always remember what you did for us.

There is one person who always stands by Ernesto. I am referring to lovely Cecilia d'Orsi, our good friend and most devoted wife of our host. Cecilia was always there when Ernesto needed support. This tournament was no exception, and she served as Hospitality Desk Manager, as well as wherever else needed. Thank you very much Cecilia.

One of the most important ingredients of the success of this tournament was the venue itself. From the first time we got here, we all shared very positive feelings about this wonderful Portobello Hotel. The facilities, the location by the beach, the food, the politeness of the staff - everything was superb. Our thanks go to our hosts for having proposed such a suitable venue. In particular, however, we would like to thank one person who ensured at all times that our stay here was most enjoyable: our hotel liaison Lia Cintra.

The interest and the importance we attach to our Youth championship is clearly demonstrated by the fact that the WBF spares no effort to organize the tournament in the best possible way. In this respect, it is normal to have top international personnel filling in the main staff positions. We are therefore, very glad to have a very experienced team of Tournament Directors, led by Bill Schoder, with Marc van Beijsterveldt, Gustavo Chediak and Bud Schoder.

The Tournament Appeals Committee was headed by the WBF Vice President, member of the WBF Youth Committee and good friend Joan Gerard.

The everyday heavy operational work required in such a tournament was most ably carried out by the Main Office Supervisor Jeff Johnston, while the duplication of the thousands of boards needed was done by Jan Boets and Virginia Chediak.

The Vugraph show was in the center of competition activity and gave us the opportunity to watch your brilliances and blunders with a magnifying glass. Many thanks go to our commentators Barry Rigal and Gabino Cintra, as well as to all those who sat at the commentator's bench occasionally. At the same time, however, we need to thank Vlamir Ruiz Garcia and his team who took care of the technical part of the presentation.

Whatever was seen on Vugraph - and also many things that were not seen there - appeared in the Daily Bulletin, which was most ably taken care of by Chief Editor Mark Horton, Co-Editor Stefan Back and Layout Editor Stelios Hadjidakis.

Action in Mangaratiba was transmitted to the entire world thanks to the journalists who attended this event. Publicity is very important for the development of our game, and in this respect we should thank the Press Room Manager Barbara Nudelman and our Internet Editor George Georgopoulos.

What happens when something goes wrong and miraculously there is nobody to blame? In this case we turn to the Director of Operations, the man who primarily responsible for the proper running of all departments of the championship. This task was once again carried out most successfully by Dimitri Ballas whom we wish to thank very much.

Finally, I should forget to express my gratitude to the Youth Committee members who are always busy planning ahead and implementing decisions that enhance Junior bridge. There are three of them present here, and I would like to thank them most sincerely for their dedication and support: Stefan Back, Charlotte Blaiss and Joan Gerard.

It has been stressed on a number of occasions that the most important factor in the success of a tournament are the players themselves. This is absolutely true. No matter how much the host or the staff try, success will not be forthcoming without your contribution. Once again I am very happy to say that our Juniors have been wonderful. You played the tournament with great spirit and in a most friendly atmosphere. In this way, not only you serve Junior bridge and the generations to come, but you also offer an example to the older generations that they would do very well to follow. As far as we, on the Youth Committee, are concerned, I can assure you that nothing pleases us more than your proper and ethical behavior at the bridge table and your friendliness away from it.

In a few moments we shall be celebrating the victory of the medalists. However, the truth of the matter is that you are all winners. Among you, this time, I would like to single out one team that will not be receiving medals. However they have already won the warmth of our hearts. They came here for the first time and performed very well, showing us at the same time why the name of their country means happiness. I refer to our friends from Thailand, whom I ask to come to the podium in order to receive our applause.

This year the winners of the championship are the United States. There is no doubt that our American friends deserved their victory. I have followed closely most of them as they put forward a joint effort for some years now to win the Junior world's most prestigious title. And I am glad today to see satisfaction in their faces.

Junior bridge has not been at its best in North America. Recent years were not like past decades when America was trying hard to develop the game among young people. This has had a direct impact on membership, and other negative consequences which eventually damage bridge worldwide. Let us hope that the victory of the American team will help the ACBL to turn the page and start a new chapter in bridge development and youth bridge support. From this point of view, I say a big thank you to captain Bob Rosen and all his players. You have done the job you were entrusted with. You have sent the right message. Thank you very much for that. Let us hope that the reply will be equally positive.

Not all Juniors around the world are privileged to enjoy the possibilities for international travel and contact with their counterparts from other countries. This has had a negative impact on our programmes. This year, Zone 4 (Asia & Middle East) could not join us here due to lack of funds. Our Junior Camps, which are so important for the development of youth bridge, suffer very much as they get very small participation from far away. We are aware that Juniors are not in general able to support themselves and therefore need special assistance. It is not an easy problem to solve, but I can assure you that we are working on it, and hope to be able to offer support to those who badly need it.

If life is not a bed of roses for Juniors, it is not gloomy either. Notwithstanding the difficulties, we are indeed optimistic for the future. Thanks to our President and the general effort made by world bridge to achieve Olympic Games status, our Juniors will be enjoying a number of invitational events of high importance in the near future.

As soon as next November, the 4th IOC Grand Prix will take place at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. What is new is that this year there will be a Junior competition played at the same time as the Open and Women's event. We are proposing to have two teams of young players, representing the entire globe competing for the Junior Grand Prix.

Just a couple of months later, the Winter Olympic Games will take place in Salt Lake City, and bridge will be presented to the entire International Olympic Committee that will be meeting there. The Juniors will be part of the demonstration, and again we plan to have two representative teams of young players competing in this ultimate sport environment.

Finally, what we started last year, with the introduction of a Junior series in the World Masters Individual tournament is most likely to continue when the next event of the series is organized next spring. It is too early for details, but we hope that we shall once again be able to combine top level competition with a programme particularly suited for young people.

As you see, we are trying very hard, and I am glad that we are succeeding thanks to your support as well as the support of many people around us who believe in our cause. However, we can do better. And we shall do better if you, the Juniors, give a helping hand. You don't need to do much. Just make sure that there is no friend or schoolmate around you who does not know about your sport. Explain in very broad lines what is bridge about. Why is it a sport. How do we succeed to eliminate luck and play under the same conditions. What is the national and international structure of bridge, the championships we hold, the famous people who were attracted to bridge and the reasons this happened. Be ready to suggest where they can go and learn bridge so that they can join our family. Above all, explain why bridge is fun.

I have great confidence in you. All together, we can do a wonderful job. In this way we can give a little back to bridge. We owe this to our sport that has been so generous to us.

It only remains to me to wish each and everyone of you a safe journey back home. Have a fruitful season, and let us make sure that we shall get together again at our next event.

Thank you very much and good bye.

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