Editor: Mark Horton • Co-Editor: Stefan Back • Web Editor: George Georgopoulos

No. : 10 • Evening, Wednesday, August 15  2001

USA I Are the Toast of Rio

Table of Contents

USA I are the Toast of Rio

Final 3rd Segment 2
The Play Off 3
Chairman's Closing Speech 4
4th, 5th & 6th Segment Highlights 5

USA I comprising Joel Wooldridge, John Hurd, Joe Grue, John Kranyak, Brad Campbell & Kent Mignocchi, with Robert Rosen, npcand Dennis McGarry, coach are the eighth World Youth Team Champions. Having been outscored by 108 -47 IMPs over the fourth and fifth sets they came back strongly to win the last one 71-8 IMPs to secure the title.
The USA are the only non European team to take the title and they join Great Britain as the only two time winners, their previous victory being in 1991 in Ann Arbour. Their supporters will be hoping they do not have to wait until 2011 for a third triumph.
Israel, represented by Asaf Amit, Yaniv Vax, Aran Warzawsky, Inon Liran, Ranny Schneider, Yossi Roll with Michael Barel, npc made the USA fight all the way, and contributed in full to an exciting final.

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