11th World Bridge Olympiad, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Friday, 8 September 2000

WBF Women's Committee

Anna Maria Torlontano, Member of the WBF Executive, has been involved in Ladies Bridge since 1978. She has been Chairman of the EBL Ladies Committee and has now been appointed as Chairman of the WBF Women's Committee. She will be responsible for Women's bridge in all 8 Zones of the World Bridge Federation.

Anna Maria writes:

I am very pleased to report that the meeting held on Saturday was attended by all the Members of the World Ladies Committee

I think that it was a very successful meeting - the 8 Zonal representatives each reported on the situation regarding Ladies bridge in their Zone, which highlighted the differences between the different countries in regard to the development of this bridge sector.

It is interesting to note that, in many countries, the majority of the bridge players are women.

Following the various reports, the members in turn expressed their opinion on how best to proceed. It is obvious that the NBOs of the different Zones must each be approached individually as their requirements are different. For example, there are similar problems in Africa and the Middle East which do not happen in other Zones, where it will be necessary to start at the very beginning, because of the customs and attitudes to women in many countries of those Zones. The right approach with these Zones in particular is probably to start trying to reach the younger women, and the students who have a more liberal mentality. It is also obvious that we must proceed step-by-step so as not to run the risk of making any mistakes and consequently to lose their trust.

I wrote to the 109 NBOs from the 8 Zones in May this year, informing them of the creation of the World Women's Committee, its goals and aims that we want to achieve especially now that we are recognised by the IOC and requesting their co-operation. Many of them replied very positively, indicating their enthusiasm for the ideal. I will now write again to all the Federation Presidents, giving them more details and additional information, dividing the development of Women's Bridge into three parts:

  1. The integration of women into the structure of the Federations, in accordance with IOC requirements, in the fields of, for example, public relations, general administration etc. I will officially request the NBOs to appoint a Women's Delegate for their Federation who will deal specifically with Women's bridge in that country. I will stress that it is very important that this Delegate should be a member of the Board.
  2. The game itself - making suggestions of the kind of events that can be held specifically for women players.
    a. Teaching Program - this will be specifically mentioned, pointing out that is to be used for training bridge teachers and stressing the importance of contacting local authorities in the field of teaching as well as the directors and managers of schools in order to obtain approval to hold classes. I will point out that the WBF Teaching Program is available in both French and English, can be translated into their own language and is available immediately on Internet and will subsequently be available on CD
    b. Tournament Directors - we will offer advice on how women can become trained Directors in accordance with WBF policy (seminars etc)
  3. Explain how the individual Federation can organise their Women's sections using as an example the system that has been used successfully in Europe for the past 15 years.

I will also present other arguments, particularly with regard to offering assistance from the WBF with regard to IOC recognition and how they should proceed in this regard.

I look forward to working together with all the NBOs, their Committees and their members towards the future development of Women's Bridge Worldwide.

Should you wish to contact us about Women's bridge, with ideas for future development, suggestions etc., please email our Secretary, Anna Gudge (wbf@ecats.co.uk) or fax me personally on +39 85 4210133

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