Co-ordinator: Jean Paul Meyer • Editor: Mark Horton • Ass. Editors: Brent Manley, Brian Senior
Web Editor: Takis Pournaras

No. : 3   •   Tuesday, 29 August 2000

Europe leads the way

In this most European of cities, it is perhaps appropriate that at the end of two days play all but one of the contests is led by a team form the continent of Europe. In the Open series, Poland, England and Italy lead their respective groups. In the Women's series, Norway and Germany head the lists. Sweden top the Seniors, and Italy have climbed to the top of the University rankings.

The only team to break the European monopoly is Australia, and they are doing it in style, having a commanding lead of 18VP in Group B of the Open series.

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Article Page
Iceland vs

The Netherlands vs
South Africa


France vs
Czech Republic


City of Maastricht extends welcome

Maastricht's Vice Mayor Miriam Depondt welcomed the bridge players of the world to her city Monday during a reception at the historic Town Hall.

"On behalf of the Board and Council of the City of Maastricht, I extend a welcome to you," Depondt said. "You have chosen the right spot for your contest."

Depondt noted that Maastricht has been occupied many times in the past - by vikings, the Spanish and Belgians, among others. The invasion by bridge players, she said, is welcome. "Maastricht is proud to be your hosting city," the vice mayor said.

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