Nice Defence |
South's 2ª showed a sound three-card heart raise. Charlotte Smith led her middle heart against 3ª. It went to the jack, queen and king. Declarer played a spade to the queen and a second spade to the king, North completing a Smith Echo to show that he wanted a heart continuation. Declarer played the ¨J to king and ace then a club to the king and ace. Back came a heart. After taking two hearts, Marc Smith cashed the ªA then played the 13th heart. Declarer ruffed this. Had declarer now cashed the last trump, it would have squeezed dummy out of a potentially valuable minor-suit card - a club had already had to go on the fourth round of hearts. So declarer played a club to the ten without cashing the spade. That lost to the jack and North switched to a diamond, as he had to do. A trump return leaves the two minor-suit queens in dummy and the contract is only one down. Declarer guessed wrong on the diamond switch, playing small, so the 8 forced the queen. Now came the §Q, ruffed and over-ruffed, and declarer had to lose a diamond at the end for down two; -100. |
Results | Contents |
Par Contest Round 3,
Round 4 Mixed Session 2, Session 3 |
Watching the 1982 champions Mixed Pairs Session 1 Kiss of Death Nice Defense Mixed Pairs Session 2 |
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