Kiss of Death |
On this deal from the first qualifying session of the Mixed Pairs a pair from France collected the score that all pairs players are keen to avoid.
After a spirited auction West became declarer in Three Clubs. East clearly didn't fancy an emaciated negative double on the second round of the auction and West reopened in such a way that a club fit might have been missed. North redoubled to tell everyone he had a good hand. South led the ª8 and North took the first three tricks in that suit, South discarding the © 5. With no attractive switch, North decided to continue with the jack of spades. Dummy and South both discarded a heart while declarer ruffed in hand with the §6. Declarer played a club to the ace and paying no heed to the bidding, a second club to the jack and North's queen. Now the ace and another heart promoted South's §10 for the magic +200. |
Results | Contents |
Par Contest Round 3,
Round 4 Mixed Session 2, Session 3 |
Watching the 1982 champions Mixed Pairs Session 1 Kiss of Death Nice Defense Mixed Pairs Session 2 |
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