Disastrous bid -- devastating defence

North felt he had nowhere to go when his partner bid hearts over his diamond overcall of 1ª. The defenders, members of the Daily Bulletin staff, were playing in a matchpoint game.

Dealer West. Game NS
ª K Q 9 8 4
¨ A Q J 6 5
§ 9 6 2
ª A J 10 6 5 ª 7
© Q 9 6 © J 10 7 4 3
¨ 10 ¨ K 7 4 3 2
§ A K J 4 § Q 10
ª 3 2
© A K 8 5 3
¨ 9 8
§ 8 7 5 3

West North East South

1ª 2¨ Pass 2©
Pass Pass Pass!

Perhaps East was a bit wimpy in not doubling, but East-West scored well anyway. West led the §K, and after studying partner's 10 for a moment, switched to her singleton diamond. Declarer finessed, losing to the king, and East cashed his §Q. Next he fired back a diamond, ruffed, and West took her top clubs before cashing her ªA and giving her partner a spade ruff. East returned a diamond, ruffed by declarer with the 8 and overruffed by West. West led another spade, East ruffing with the 10, and declarer was limited to just two tricks - the ace and king of trumps - for down six. Minus 600 was far better than any game East-West might have made, but game was far from a sure thing East-West.

Results Contents
Par Contest Round 1, Round 2
Mixed Session1
Brighton Friendly
1998 Computer Championships
Disastrous Bid

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