No. 2
Hungary v. Mexico
Appeals Committee:
J. Gerard (Chair), E. d’Orsi, G. Endicott,
D. Morse, N. Rand
Open Teams Round 3
Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul.
ª K 8 5 3
© K 9 6 5
¨ Q 6
§ A 5 2 |
ª J 9
© Q 8 3
¨ A J 10 5 4
§ J 7 6 |
ª Q 10 7 6
© A J 10 4
¨ K 9 8
§ 10 4 |
ª A 4 2
© 7 2
¨ 7 3 2
§ K Q 9 8 3 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Honti |
Herrera |
Dzilaqy |
Resk |
1§ |
Pass |
2¨ |
Double |
3§ |
3¨ |
All Pass |
2{ = S>W 9-11 with clubs
N>E 11-12 with clubs
3{, played by East
Result: Seven tricks, NS – 100
The Facts:
At the end of the play East summoned the director to complain that
had he been given the explanation his partner had received he would
have found the {Q and made the contract.
The Director:
After a number of enquiries, ruled that East had received a correct
explanation of opponents’ agreement.
Ruling: table score stands.
Relevant Laws: 40, 75.
East/West appealed.
Present: The EW players and their Captain.
The Players:
Confirmed their complaint to the tournament director. By the time
that declarer had to decide where to look for {Q this was the only
honour card that he had not seen. He relied on the explanation given
to him, having previously seen opponents open on 9 and again on
10 HCP.
The Committee:
Noted that for lack of space in a tightly written card there was
no point count written for the 2{ bid. Listened to the director’s
explanation of the manner in which he had formed his opinion that
North’s explanation was the correct one. The committee accepted
that the director had good grounds for his ruling and decided it
had heard nothing in the evidence to gainsay this.
The Committee's decision:
Director's ruling upheld.
Deposit: Returned. The merit in the appeal consisted
in the question as to whether the way in which the Director had
judged the North explanation to be right was satisfactory.
In a separate decision, the committee noted the absence of the
Mexican pair. It is stated in the General Conditions of Contest
that all players at the table shall attend an appeal hearing unless
they receive permission not to attend from the committee via the
The committee issued a warning to the Mexican team that they may
be penalized if they are in breach of this regulation again. |