France v Germany (Venice Cup)
by Mark Horton
France enjoyed a 16 IMP carry-over, having inflicted a heavy defeat on Germany in the Round Robin. Both teams played well in what turned out to be a relatively quiet set of deals.
Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. |
| ♠ 10 8 4 2 ♥ A K 10 8 ♦ 10 5 3 ♣ Q 8 | ♠ K 6 ♥ Q 7 5 3 2 ♦ J ♣ A K 10 7 3 |  | ♠ Q 9 7 5 ♥ 9 4 ♦ A K Q 9 4 2 ♣ J | | ♠ A J 3 ♥ J 6 ♦ 8 7 6 ♣ 9 6 5 4 2 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
von Arnim | d'Ovidio | Auken | Gaviard
| | 1♠ | Pass
2♦* | Pass | 3♦* | Pass
3NT | All Pass
| | |
North led the two of spades and, when declarer played low from dummy, the winning defence was hardly obvious, and South put in the jack. Declarer won in hand and overtook the jack of diamonds. South held on to her clubs, so declarer made ten tricks; +430.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Willard | Schraverus | Cronier | Alberti
| | 1♦ | Pass
1♥ | Pass | 1♠ | Pass
3♣* | Pass | 3♦ | Pass
3NT | All Pass
| | |
West's jump to Three Clubs promised 5-5. This time North found the excellent lead of the eight of spades. Declarer played dummy's nine and when South faited to rise to the occasion the chance for a morale-boosting start had been missed.
Board 12. Dealer West. N/S Vul. |
| ♠ 3 ♥ K 8 7 ♦ Q J 4 ♣ A J 10 9 6 5 | ♠ A 6 4 ♥ Q 5 3 2 ♦ K ♣ K Q 7 4 3 |  | ♠ J 10 9 8 2 ♥ J 10 9 4 ♦ 9 7 6 3 ♣ - | | ♠ K Q 7 5 ♥ A 6 ♦ A 10 8 5 2 ♣ 8 2 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
von Arnim | d'Ovidio | Auken | Gaviard
1♥* | 2♣ | 3♥* | Dble
Pass | 3NT | All Pass
| |
East's raise to Three Hearts was known to be pre-emptive, but, even so, full marks to North for bidding 3NT, a contract that cannot be defeated.
She won the lead of the jack of hearts in dummy and played the two of clubs to the jack. When that held she ran the queen of diamonds. West won and played back a heart, but declarer won and knocked out the ace of spades, setting up her ninth trick; +600.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Willard | Schraverus | Cronier | Alberti
1♣ | Pass | 1♠ | Pass
2♣ | Pass | Pass | 2♦
2♠ | 3♦ | All Pass
| |
North must have been hoping that her partner would reopen with a double - that would have posed an interesting problem for East/West - but when she preferred Two Diamonds it was difficult for the no trump game to be reached. Of course, Three Diamonds was a comfortable contract, it made +130, but France had the first major swing; 10 IMPs.
Board 13. Dealer North. All Vul. |
| ♠ 9 6 5 4 2 ♥ A Q J 3 ♦ 9 3 ♣ K 8 | ♠ Q 8 ♥ 10 8 2 ♦ J 10 7 5 ♣ Q 9 4 2 |  | ♠ A K 10 7 ♥ K ♦ A Q 4 2 ♣ 10 7 5 3 | | ♠ J 3 ♥ 9 7 6 5 4 ♦ K 8 6 ♣ A J 6 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
von Arnim | d'Ovidio | Auken | Gaviard
| Pass | 1♣* | Pass
1♦* | Pass | 1NT | All Pass
South led a heart and the defence started with five tricks in that suit, declarer discarding three clubs and a diamond. South cashed the ace of clubs and exited with the jack of spades. Declarer won in dummy and ran the ten of diamonds. South took the king and played a club, two down; -200.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Willard | Schraverus | Cronier | Alberti
| Pass | 1♦ | Pass
Pass | Dble | Pass | 1♥
2♦ | Pass | Pass | 2♥
Pass | Pass | 3♦ | All Pass
Again the opening lead was a heart and North took the ace and continued with the queen. Declarer ruffed, played a spade to the queen and ran the jack of diamonds to South's king. It was difficult for South to find the wining defence of a low club, and when she played a heart declarer could ruff, cash the ace of diamonds and play a club to the nine. There was nothing the defence could do; +110 and 7 IMPs for France.
Board 14. Dealer East. None Vul. |
| ♠ K J 7 ♥ A Q 6 ♦ 6 2 ♣ K J 10 9 3 | ♠ 9 4 2 ♥ K 9 5 ♦ K J 7 5 ♣ 8 5 2 |  | ♠ 8 6 3 ♥ 10 8 ♦ A 9 4 3 ♣ A Q 7 4 | | ♠ A Q 10 5 ♥ J 7 4 3 2 ♦ Q 10 8 ♣ 6 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
von Arnim | d'Ovidio | Auken | Gaviard
| | 1NT | Pass
Pass | Dble | Pass | 2♣
Pass | 2♦ | Pass | 2♥
All Pass
| | | |
It was surprising to see South remove the double of the 10-12 no trump, but she was under the impression that North was showing a single-suited hand. It is possible that there was further confusion when South bid Two Clubs, which looks like a form of Stayman. When North bid Two Diamonds, South could have shown the nature of her hand with a bid of Three Spades, but she did not think she was strong enough.
Not exactly an unlucky board!
West led a club and East won with the queen and switched to a diamond, West winning with the jack and switching to a spade. Declarer won in dummy, ruffed out the ace of clubs, crossed to the ace of hearts and discarded her diamonds on the good clubs as West ruffed. She was +140.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Willard | Schraverus | Cronier | Alberti
| | Pass | Pass
Pass | 1NT | Pass | 2♣
Pass | 2♦ | Pass | 3NT
All Pass
| | | |
Given a free run North/South got too high. East led the eight of spades and declarer won in dummy and took a heart finesse. She cleared the hearts and West won and switched to the five of diamonds. It looks easy from here, but the French defence was not perfect, and at no stage did West play a club through declarer, so she escaped with seven tricks; -100 and another small but useful swing to France, this time of 6 IMPs.
Board 16. Dealer West. E/W Vul. |
| ♠ A 3 ♥ 9 8 6 5 4 ♦ A Q 10 9 5 ♣ A | ♠ K 7 6 5 4 ♥ A 7 ♦ K 6 ♣ K Q 5 4 |  | ♠ J 9 2 ♥ K Q 10 2 ♦ 8 7 2 ♣ 9 6 3 | | ♠ Q 10 8 ♥ J 3 ♦ J 4 3 ♣ J 10 8 7 2 |
Open Room
West | North | East | South
von Arnim | d'Ovidio | Auken | Gaviard
1♠ | 3♣* | Pass | 3♦
All Pass
| | | |
West had to lead a trump to put Three Diamonds in danger, but that was hardly obvious, and she went for the queen of clubs. Declarer won with dummy's ace and played a heart. East won with the queen and switched to a trump. Declarer won cheaply in dummy and played a second heart. West won and returned the king of diamonds. That was taken by the ace and declarer ruffed a heart, ruffed out the king of clubs, drew the last trump and gave up a heart. East won and played a spade and declarer put in the ten for an overtrick and +130.
Closed Room
West | North | East | South
Willard | Schraverus | Cronier | Alberti
1♠ | 1NT* | 2♠ | Pass
2NT | Pass | 3♠ | All Pass
North's overcall of 1NT promised at least a five-card minor, at least four hearts and 8-17 points.
North led a heart and declarer won and played three rounds of the suit, South ruffing with the eight and declarer overuffing. West played a spade and if North had ducked two down would have been possible - South wins and plays a diamond and, after taking two tricks, North plays a heart, South ruffs and gives North a club ruff.
However, North went in with the ace of spades and cashed the ace of diamonds. There was still a chance for one down, but North played a second diamond and declarer won and played a trump, claiming when they divided; +140 and 7 IMPs for France, who had made a very good start. |