38th World Team Championships Page 6 Bulletin 10 - Tuesday 9 October  2007


by Gemma Tan


Surely the agony that a Venice Cup declarer went through in this deal is worthy of one of Dante’s Hells.

Board 14. Dealer East. None Vul.
 ♠ Q 8 5 3 2
Q 9 4 2
♣ 7 2

♠ K J 10 6
K 10 8 6
9 5
♣ A 8 5
Bridge deal
♠ 7
Q 10 6 4 3 2
♣ K 10 9 6 3
 ♠ A 9 4
A J 7 3
K 8 7
♣ Q J 4

PassDbleAll Pass  

On the opening lead of the spade four, declarer played dummy’s jack, taken by North’s queen. The heart-two shift was won by South’s ace, and the heart-three return went to the eight and (incorrectly) queen, declarer discarding a diamond. North cashed the diamond ace, then continued with the diamond jack, covered by the queen and king.

North-South had taken the first five tricks, so South could have cashed the spade ace to defeat the contract. But hoping for more than plus 100, she led her last diamond.

Phoebe Lin from the Philippines ran her diamonds to bring about the following end-position:

 ♠ 8 5
9 4

♣ 7 2

♠ K
K 10

♣ A 8 5
Bridge deal

♣ K 10 9 6 3
 ♠ A
J 7

♣ Q J 4

The last diamond squeezed South in three suits. She chose to pitch a heart, so declarer crossed to the club king and took the two hearts, squeezing South again.

Two notrump doubled and made for plus 590.

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