The Championships will be played in two series - for Juniors and Schools players - run concurrently, in four sessions. If the number of entries in the Schools series is not adequate, then all players will compete in one series but a separate classification will be issued for the Schools players.
Scoring is by match points across the field, according to the barometer system whereby running scores are published during play, every few rounds.
Computer dealt hands and bid boxes, but no screens, will be used.
The Opening Ceremony will take place on Friday 30 June 2006, at 7 pm, after dinner.
The Victory Dinner and Prize giving Ceremony will start at 8 pm on Sunday 2 July 2006. Participants are expected to depart on Monday 3 July, after breakfast.
The Championships’ four sessions will start at 8 pm Friday, 2 pm and 8 pm Saturday, and 2 pm Sunday.
World Youth Pairs Championships Conditions of Contest.
All systems of bidding and card play may be used, provided they comply with the WBF Systems Policy.
The tournament is a Category 3 event; accordingly, no HUM systems and no brown sticker conventions are allowed.
Each pair must complete a WBF Convention Card and lodge it with the Appeals Committee upon arrival.
• Silver Cups & Medals will be awarded to the first three pairs of the final classification in each series.
• Souvenir Gifts will be given to the top five pairs of each series.
• Master Points will be awarded in accordance with the WBF Master Points plan.