This to my mind is perhaps the most brilliant hand of these great
championships, even though it did not result in a favourable swing.
Dealer West. None Vul.
© Q 9 6 3
¨ J 9 7 6 3
§ 7 4 2 |
Three Clubs is game forcing and it look as if West has also shown
a diamond void.
Would it occur to you that at this point you might be able to do
something significant? I thought not. However, you can be sure that
the opponents have a big fit in both black suits. Suppose you double
Seven Clubs? Clearly the inference will be that you can ruff a spade,
the first suit bid by dummy. The opponents will surely believe you
and run to Seven Spades. Now you will be on lead and there must
be a chance that partner has a club void.
With a pounding heart you lead a club and
© Q 9 6 3
¨ J 9 7 6 3
§ 7 4 2 |
K Q 10 7 4
© A J 8 5
¨ -
§ Q J 9 5 |
A 9 8 6
© K 4
¨ K 10
§ A K 10 8 3 |
5 3 2
© 10 7 2
¨ A Q 8 5 4 2
§ 6 |
No luck this time, but just another illustration
of what possibilities are on offer to those with the ability to
recognise them.