2002 World Bridge Championships Page 2 Bulletin 4 - Tuesday, 20 August  2002

Gates Too Good for Software


Some fifteen radio & television channels along with numerous journalists and photographers attended yesterday's Press Conference given by Bill Gates, ensuring tremendous coverage for Bridge.

The Microsoft Chairman & Chief Software Architect of the Microsoft Corporation began with a statement about his budding career in bridge. He took it up about four years ago, and has gradually become addicted to the game. He plays socially with his wife and their friends, is able to play online on the Internet, and in more serious events with Sharon Osberg, twice a world champion, and on teams with Fred Gitelman who won the IOC Grand Prix in Salt Lake City. He has played in one American National and this is his first world championship event, competing in the Mixed Pairs. He finds the game fun, enjoys the mental challenge and is intending to play more frequently.

Asked to explain the attractions of bridge, he referred to the mental challenge, the use of logic and inference, keeping the mind active, and the social element as a partnership game. It was difficult to explain why people became addicted, but he could understand it. It was a deep game, and there was always something new to learn. After a session he would discuss what had happened with Sharon, and they would find things that should have been done differently. Each deal was a separate competition and they had the chance to do well even against the experts, and, if not, to do better in the future.

Asked what could be done to get more young people playing bridge, he said he and the bridge authorities were talking about the matter but he could recommend it for young people.

Asked how he could take part in a serious competition when he was bigger than the game itself, he replied that once the bridge started he found everybody concentrates on the game, and were treated equally.

There were many questions from the audience:

Are the skills needed to be a success at bridge similar to those needed in business?
Yes. The logical mind needed, the deductions made from things people had done or had not done were all similar.

What preparations have you made for playing in this event?
I have had some training on bridge software, and Sharon Osberg and I have exchanged many e-mails about the system we are playing.

Why should you choose to spend your vacation playing bridge in Montreal?
I have vacations with my kids and I play tennis and golf. Bridge is a great past -time, and I enjoy taking part in a serious event.

Are you better at bridge or golf?
I think I am better at bridge. My golf handicap would be 17 or 18.

How do you find playing against bridge experts?
I take bridge very seriously. It is great fun to make against good players. On the occasions I play a hand well, it is exciting as well as enjoyable. Given the time I can give to the game, I intend to improve over the next few years, and I hope to become a good player measured against amateurs.

Here, Jose Damiani, President of the World Bridge Federation, broke in to say:
Many of the people here are playing bridge almost every day, even as a career, whereas to Bill Gates it can only be an occasional activity. We are very impressed by his ability and grateful for his participation in this event.

Will computers become as good at bridge as they are at chess?
At the moment computers are way behind at bridge. Even I consider myself a better player than most computers at bridge. I have no plans to change that..

What do you think of the idea of bridge becoming an Olympic Sport?
If the Olympic community decides it fits their criteria then that is OK by me. There has already been a practice event the week before the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City which was very exciting.

What dreams do you have, given your wealth?
I have dreams and goals in each of the activities in my life, whether my family, my Foundation, my business, or in bridge.

Who is better at bridge, you or Warren Buffet?
Warren is much better at the moment, but I'm working on it!

Are you going to introduce your children to bridge?
Well, they are only six and three, so it is a bit early to think of that. My wife is learning bridge.

After a very impressive performance it was time for a return to the table, where according to Bill, Bridge is Fun!

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