The Best Line
by Anders Wirgren
We don't get too many compliments (joke), so when we do they are given top priority, especially when they happen to be delivered by one of the world's top bridge writers.
You do a great job with the bulletin, as usual, and I enjoy reading it. Keep up the good work!
I did find an improvement on a deal from Bulletin 2 and, since the line is quite cute, I thought I'd better send it to you (you will surely agree).
Board 8. Dealer West. None Vul. |
| ♠ A K 8 5 3 2 ♥ 2 ♦ A K 8 5 ♣ 4 3 | ♠ Q 9 7 ♥ A J 6 5 4 ♦ J 10 ♣ K 8 5 |  | ♠ 10 ♥ Q 10 9 ♦ Q 7 6 4 2 ♣ Q 9 7 6 | | ♠ J 6 4 ♥ K 8 7 3 ♦ 9 3 ♣ A J 10 2 | When Italy played the Netherlands in Round 3 of the Bermuda Bowl, Simon De Wijs played in 4♠ from the North seat. Lauria led the ten of hearts and when that was ducked he continued with the queen. Declarer ruffed but when De Wijs led a club from hand, Lauria as East put in the queen. De Wijs could still have succeeded had he known the exact layout of the opponents' cards, but without a peek he played along normal lines and finished one down –10 IMPs to Italy.
Since East led the ten of hearts from a broken holding, it's unlikely that he has the king of clubs (restricted choice agrees). Then, there is only one holding where my line fails. Win with the ace of clubs, draw ONE round of trumps and cash the ace and king of diamonds, then lead a club.
After winning the trick, what can West do? On a low heart, or a club, North discards a diamond; if West has a diamond to play, East can't do any harm; if West leads the ace of hearts, North ruffs, cashes the second spade top and ruffs a diamond. West can overuff but has to lead a heart or a club to dummy. If West returns a low trump after the king of clubs, it's 100% safe to duck. The ONLY time this line fails is when East is 2-4-5-2 with two low trumps (then he ruffs the club return, when North pitches, and gives his partner an overruff with the queen of spades). This is the best line – and it is single dummy!
@1st line of hand:If East has the king of clubs (surprise, surprise), and plays a diamond after that, you'll go down if West can overruff and return a trump. Given that he at that time is known to hold the ♥Q-10-9, the ♣K-Q and at least one trump, the risk that he also has five diamonds is minimal. |