37th World Team Championships Page 2 Bulletin 2 - Monday 24 October  2005

Preliminary Bout

By Ron Klinger

Try this problem: Dealer North. None Vul.

DbleAll Pass

(i) 4+ spades, 10-17 points, unbalanced hand
(ii) 6-9 points, spade support
(iii) Second suit, could be canapé

What would you lead as West from:

 ♠ Q J
A 10 8 4
Q 10 6
♣ A 9 8 3

The deal arose in a pre-tournament practice match between the Seniors teams from Denmark and Australia, won comfortably by Denmark. The full deal:

 ♠ K 8 6 3
A 5 4
♣ K Q 10 7 6 5

♠ Q J
A 10 8 4
Q 10 6
♣ A 9 8 3
Bridge deal
♠ 10 5
K Q 9 7 6 3 2
K J 9 8
♣ -
 ♠ A 9 7 4 2
J 5
7 3 2
♣ J 4 2

Jens Auken found one of the leads to defeat 5♠, a diamond. Note ♣A and a club ruff is not good enough; but a low club in East ruffing and switching to a diamond. Denmark +100.At the other table:

West NorthEastSouth
 1♣4All Pass

Spades were not led and so Zoli Nagy scored 11 tricks for +450.

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