Open Classification

Rank Name Country MPs PPs
Donna STACK U.S.A. 0 0
Don STACK U.S.A. 0 0
Krzysztof STADNICKI Poland 0 0
Leslaw STADNICKI Poland 0 0
Abraham STAMPF Israel 0 0
Marek STANKIEWICZ Malta 0 0
Keith STANLEY England 0 0
Allan STAUBER U.S.A. 0 0
Les STEEL Scotland 0 0
Douglas STEEN U.S.A. 0 0
Rien STEEN Netherlands 0 0
Lilja STEFAN Sweden 0
Stefan STEFANOV Bulgaria 0 0
Mark STEIN Canada 0 0
Ethan STEIN U.S.A. 0 0
Harry STEINER U.S.A. 0 0
Alexei STERKIN Russia 0
Thomas STERN Canada 0 0
Neil STERN U.S.A. 0
James Marsh STERNBERG U.S.A. 0 0
John R. STEVENS Canada 0 0
John STIEFEL U.S.A. 0 0
Wlodzimierz STOBIECKI Poland 0 0
Nidia STOCOVAZ San Marino 0 0
Jon Andreas STOEVNENG Norway 0 0
Stoian STOIANOV Bulgaria 0 0
Danilo STOJANOVIC Croatia 0 0
Elva STONE U.S.A. 0
Lorenzo STOPPINI Italy 0 0
Mitja STRGAR Slovenia 0 0


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