Open Classification

Rank Name Country MPs PPs
Jan Erik PETTERSEN Norway 0 0
Inge PETTERSSON Sweden 0 0
Steingrimur Gautur PETURSSON Iceland 0 0
Karen PFENDLER U.S.A. 0 0
Chau PHAM NGOC France 0 0
Vijay PHATARPHEKAR India 0 0
Alessandro PIANA Italy 0
Francois PICARD Guadeloupe 0 0
Ernst PICHLER Austria 0 0
Vince PIELESZ England 0 0
Irene PIESSES France 0 0
Michel PIESSES France 0 0
Franco PIETRI Italy 0 0
Janusz PIETRUK Poland 0 0.5
Maurits PINO Netherlands 0 0
Alexandra PIONTKOVSKI Venezuela 0 0
Kittichai PIPATANANTAKUL Thailand 0 0
Mehves PISAK Turkiye 0 0
Fabio PISINGER Mexico 0 0
Stanislav PISSAREVSKI Bulgaria 0 0
Marc PITOIZET French Guyana 0 0
Jason PITT Australia 0 0
John PLAUT Chile 0 0
Jacek PLETYLO Liechtenstein 0 0
Stanislaw PLICHTA Denmark 0 0
Jacobo PODBILEWICZ Mexico 0 0
Arvind PODDAR India 0 0.5
Igor POGONOV Russia 0 0
Elie POIRAULT France 0 0
Jean-Pierre POITIER France 0 0


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