Open Classification

Rank Name Country MPs PPs
Martin LOEFGREN Sweden 0
Mark LOMBARD U.S.A. 0 0
Santiago LONDONO Colombia 0 0
Enrico LONGINOTTI Italy 0 0
Rena LORDOS Cyprus 0 0
Henry LORTZ U.S.A. 0 0
Annie LOSLEVER Belgium 0 0
Eunice LOUISE U.S.A. 0 0
Per LOWE Norway 0 0
Qin LU Hong Kong China 0 0
Haixiang LU China 0 0
Glenn LUBLIN U.S.A. 0 0
Jim LUCK Wales 0 0
Krzysztof LUKASZEWICZ Poland 0 0
Dan LULU Philippines 0 0
Roberto LUNA Colombia 0 0
Sorin LUPAN Denmark 0 0
Daniel LUTWAK Argentina 0 0
Leroy LYNCH Barbados 0 0
Eugene MAAMARBACHI Lebanon 0 0
Entee MAC U.S.A. 0 0
Brian MACE New Zealand 0 0.5
Greer MacKENZIE Ireland 0 0
Andrew MacNAIR England 0 0
Wieslaw MACZKOWSKI Poland 0 0
Cliff MADER Canada 0
John MADURO Panama 0 0
Takashi MAEDA Japan 0 0
Leonardo MAGRINI Italy 0 0
Peter MAGYAR Hungary 0 0


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