Open Classification

Rank Name Country MPs PPs
Marcel LAGAS Netherlands 0 0
Jan LAGERMAN Sweden 0 0
Herve LAGREE France 0 0
Dicky LAI Hong Kong China 0
Biharilall LAKHI India 0 0
Vinay Mohan LAL India 0 0
Andre LALIBERTE Canada 0 0
Jacques LALIBERTE Canada 0 0
Gary LAM PO TANG Mauritius 0 0
Erwin LAMMERS Netherlands 0 0
Michel LAMONGIE France 0 0
Jose Manuel LAMPREIA Portugal 0 0
Chuck LAMPREY U.S.A. 0 0
Vladimir LAMZA Croatia 0 0
Goran LAMZA Croatia 0 0
Bernhard LANDWEHR Germany 0 0
Yves LANGEVIN France 0 0
Steven LAPIDES U.S.A. 0 0
Maurice LAROCHELLE Canada 0 0
Jayne LARSON U.S.A. 0 0
Guy LASSERRE France 0 0
Roger LATTES France 0 0
Lawrence H. W. LAU Hong Kong China 0 0
David LAW Malaysia 0 0
Michael LAWRENCE U.S.A. 0 23.5
Jean LE PODER France 0 0
Lukasz LEBIODA Poland 0 3.5
Baron Wolf LEBOVIC Canada 0
Gilbert LEBREUX Mauritius 0 0
Geng-Daw LEE Chinese Taipei 0 0


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