Open Classification

Rank Name Country MPs PPs
Terrol GETSON Canada 0
Georges GHIBERT Morocco 0 0
Santanu GHOSE India 0 3
Sukha Ranjan GHOSH India 0 0
Carla GIANARDI Italy 0 0
Giuliano GIBERTINI Italy 0
Ine GIELKENS Netherlands 0 0
Uri GILBOA Israel 0
John GILLESPIE Canada 0 0
Gordon GILLETTE Trinidad and Tobago 0 0
Giacomo GIULIANO Italy 0
Evgueni GLADYSH Ukraine 0 0
Marc GLICKMAN U.S.A. 0 0
Enda GLYNN Ireland 0 0
John GLYNN Bermuda 0 0
Romeo GO Philippines 0 0
John GODDERIDGE England 0
Soren GODTFREDSEN Denmark 0 0
L. GOH Singapore 0 0
Avinash GOKHALE India 0 2
Lars GOLDBERG Sweden 0 0
Jerry GOLDFEIN U.S.A. 0 0
Carlos GOLDSTEIN Venezuela 0 0
Vittorio GOLFARELLI Italy 0 0
Tipton GOLIAS U.S.A. 0 0
Matthias GOLL Germany 0 0
Sylvie GOMBERT France 0 0
German GOMEZ Colombia 0 0
Vladimir GONCA Latvia 0 0
Peter GONDOS Germany 0 0


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